My interaction with Kiwassa has been like a homecoming twice when I had to start life all over again when I didn’t know where to start or what to do. First, in 2014 when I moved to Canada and became a refugee claimant. A settlement worker helped me find a house and enroll my son in Strong Start. Secondly, in 2023 many years later through the EMPOW3R program due to my injury at my work as a Tenant Support worker, in 2020 and the stoppage of my WCB claim compensation in December 2021, I went back to income assistance.
I believe that I now have another career as an ECEA which will open many opportunities for me since I was able to complete the program with 92% pass. This has also built my confidence back that I can do it and achieve anything. My life has taken a new turn knowing that I can now begin to earn income and not depend on the welfare, and I am forever grateful.

I will love to consolidate the skills and knowledge I acquired from the program and become a good ECEA and in the future by taking the full ECE course and grow from there.